That’s right ladies and gentlemen, you read that correctly. I’ve embarked on the journey of becoming the ultimate housewife. Ultimately, this path will lead to becoming a stay at home dad, but I don’t feel the need to expound on that portion of the experience. I hope to use this as a sort of guide to starting your own business, learning how to help out around the house, and becoming a more “well rounded” individual (that’s what my wife says it’s called).
The obvious first step on this journey is making the decision to begin. This is where it gets tricky. You see, my wife has discussed our thought processes with her friends, and they’ve all basically told her that I need to grow up and get a job (I’ve been working from home in one capacity or another for over a year, but that whole story is for another day). Last month I got a job working for a copying company, and have found that it is one of the most mundane, monotonous jobs I’ve ever been a part of. I expressed my desires to my wife, explained to her where I was coming from, and out of the goodness of her heart, she decided to support me and see where this path takes us. That’s the first, and most important step of this process, having a spouse that is on the same page as you, and is willing to stand by those wedding vows to be with me through the thick and the thin.
So, here’s the plan. Now that I have the Mrs. on board, I plan on starting a graphic and web design business. I’ll update you throughout the process and hopefully, what ends up happening is having a sort of walk-through of all the bumps and bruises of starting your own business. The second step, and possibly most exciting, of my journey is quitting my job! Already ahead of you on that one though, I’ll be all on my own at the end of the week. So I guess this would qualify as “One man’s guide to becoming the ultimate housewife/business owner, Day -4”.
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