Tag: Back to School

  • Things I’d Like to See From Apple

    [ More Back to School Rebate Options ]

    Every year Apple tries to bribe convince hoards of hipsters, wanna-be-hipsters, and just average American college students to make the switch (or upgrade) to a new Mac by throwing in an iPod touch for free (after rebate). They’re also greedy kind enough to let you upgrade to a larger capacity iPod touch and just pay the difference, but what I really hope to see this year is the option to cash that $200 rebate in on an iPad. Or hey, a rebate on the new iPhone would also be pretty sweet.

    [ Universal Update Manager ]

    Apple’s Software Update is ok, not great, but it at least beats Microsoft Update. However, I’d love to see Apple come out with Bodega like functionality (only better) for Software Update. Let me explain further.

    Bodega allows users to browse available applications for OS X but it also tracks current versions and shows you which of your installed applications has an update available. While this is nice,  it’s not as “stupid proof” as I’d like, which is what I want Apple to step up and provide. Clicking the “Get” link (which must be done for each individual app, there’s currently no option to download all updates) in Bodega opens your web browser and downloads the DMG file for the update, but then you have to actually mount and install it.

    I don’t really care if Apple provides an interface for browsing available applications for OS X (heck, they already have a downloads section on their website), what I’m looking for is an extension to Software Update that allows developers to incorporate the option of updates being available via Software Update.

    For example, most applications when first launched ask if you would like to check for updates automatically on start-up. What if instead/or in addition it gave you the option of having updates appear via Apple’s Software Update? That way when OS X checks for updates weekly it will notify you of all available updates both for Apple products and the third party software you’ve opted for it to keep tabs on.

    [ iPhone Apps as Widgets ]

    I’ve spent a lot of money on iPhone apps and I know I’m not the only one, and now that I have an iPad I’m turning into an app snob, I don’t like using apps on my iPad that aren’t native, it’s just plain annoying. I also find myself using my iPhone less and less, so what if Apple blessed us peons with the option to run iPhone apps as widgets (both standalone or in Dashboard). Might make me feel better about all that money I spent on apps.

    While it’s not a perfect concept, I admit, I think potential issues like multi-touch interaction with the apps could be easily over come with the use of those shiny multi-touch track pads all the new MacBook Pro’s have.

  • Free iPod touch (for students)

    Looks like the rumors were true! Apple announced today that they will be offering students a free iPod touch or iPod Nano with the purchase of a Mac computer (Mac Mini excluded of course).

    My question is simple, why would you ever pick an iPod Nano over an iPod touch?