Ever wanted to know exactly what that computer in your car was telling it to do? Look inside it’s brain with the HP Tuners Suite.
Designed to program your existing PCM (Powertrain Control Module), you connect the interface to the OBD-II port on your car, and then to the USB on your laptop. The software has a live monitor that logs the data all of the sensors are sending the PCM. You can then also program all of the parameters that the PCM uses to control the car. It’s my plan to acquire the interface, so I’ll have more in-depth review and walk-throughs later, but for now, here’s a video someone made of a Firebird running a 1/4 mile race, with the HP Tuners overlay… pretty cool.
You’ll want to watch it in 480p, but it’s still a little difficult to see the gauges and graphs. They are as follows:
- KR (Knock Retard) KR retards the timing curve if the knock sensors detect pre-detonation in the cylinders.
- Timing Advance (Ignition Timing) Controls the timing of the ignition spark.
- TPS % (Throttle Position Sensor) The percentage of how far open your throttle is.
- MAP (Manifold Absolute Pressure) The tiny gauge in the upper left is the MAP, which allows the computer to calculate the air mass so that it can deliver the correct amount of fuel.
- RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) How fast the engine is turning.
- Speed (Miles Per Hour) Self explanatory.
The HP Tuners software will actually keep track of a lot more sensors, but these are by far the most important.