You may recall a few weeks ago, our very own Frederick Smith wrote a review of Tower Madness HD, at the end of which he wrote this little letter to the developers:
Dear Limbic Software,
In your next update we at Hijinks kindly request you focus on fleshing out your multiplayer mode. It’s the best part about your game, and we really want another excuse to hurl insults at each other involving the pilfering and security of sheep. Add more abilities to hurt your opponent, like destroying a random tower, or sending a wave of stronger/faster aliens.
Most of all, please look at your pricing structure. We’re big fans of capitalism and making the almighty dollar, but if you price your product at the the same level with games by studios with bigger budgets and names like Popcap, we’re afraid your hard work will get buried in the every increasing avalanche of iPad games coming out. Try $4.99. Seriously. Try it.Love,
Hijinks Inc.
I’ve underlined the important part of this letter. Why is this important? Because I’ve just been informed by Limbic that Tower Madness HD is now available for $4.99, yes, that just happened. Help convince Limbic this is the right price point and go download it, otherwise the price goes back up to $7.99 next week.