Tag: cracked ipas

  • How To Run Cracked .IPA Files

    Yes, this is blatantly illegal, proceed at your own risk.

    The App Store is missing one feature which I deem key, and that is the ability to try applications before you buy. While some apps offer “Lite” versions which accomplish the same thing, I’d like something a little more consistent.

    Enter the jailbroken iPhone solution.

    Requirements: A jailbroken iPhone / iPod touch running 2.0.2 or 2.1

    Stage 1:
    Open Cydia.
    Install Open SSH.

    Stage 2:
    SSH into your device. Default username is root, default password is alpine
    Then navigate to the following directory: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework
    Make a backup of the MobileInstallation file from the directory above.
    Download the patched version of the file here for 2.0.2 or here for 2.1 (the 2.0.2 file might come up as a .dylib, if it does make sure and remove the .dylib extension after you copy it to your device)
    Copy the patched MobileInstallation file into the /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework
    Set the permissions for MobileInstallation to 775
    Navigate to /private/var/mobile/
    Set permissions for the Applications directory to 777. Make sure reclusive is checked.
    Navigate into the /private/var/mobile/applications/ directory.
    Create a new folder named Documents in the /private/var/mobile/applications/ directory.
    Set permissions to 777.
    Navigate to the root level.
    Open the Applications folder.
    Create a Documents folder here as well. Set permission to 777.

    Restart the iPhone/iPod.

    Download an application from the app store (one of the free ones will work just fine)

    Now you’re free to download and install cracked IPA’s! Obviously for legal reasons I can’t link straight to a source for cracked IPA files, but they’re pretty easy to find, just do some searching.

  • Firmware 2.1 Jailbreak

    It’s been awhile since I wrote about any sort of illegal goodness, so here’s a quick run down on the easiest way to jailbreak an iPhone or iPod touch running firmware 2.1.

    The process is certainly a lot easier than it used to be. Now all you have to do (if you run OS X that is) is download QuickPwn 1.1!

    Oddly enough I had a jailbroken iPhone with 2.0.2 and I upgraded it to 2.1 and then used QuickPwn to re-jailbreak it and everything still works.

    My next post will likely involve the morally black area of running cracked IPA files.