Tag: customer service

  • Pogo Sketch

    Last week I bought a Pogo Sketch from TenOneDesign, which worked great for signature capture on the iPhone (as I mentioned in my earlier post), at least until I put in my pocket. Then it broke. Whoops.

    Really it was only the clip that broke off, but still it was rather disappointing. And it didn’t present a very professional image while using it for business transactions. Annoyed, but feeling somewhat passive aggressive, I decided to tweet a picture of it and the next day I found a response waiting for me from TenOneDesign offering me a new Pogo Sketch, now that’s good customer service! Kudos to Peter at TenOne for hooking me up.

    Good news is, the new Pogo Sketch hasn’t broken yet, and the clip seems studier than the last one. So I’m chalking it up to a defect.

    Now the Sketch does take a little getting used to, you have to apply a decent amount of pressure to get it to register on the iPhone screen, but none of my clients seemed to have a problem.  All in all, for the $11 I paid, it’s a great deal. Really convenient for using your iPhone with gloves on, and it allows for much finer touch control and while I’m not exactly the artistic type, it seems like the perfect fit for those who like to doodle on their iPhones.

    Go buy one folks. It works on most every touch screen phone too.