Publisher: Faruq Rasid
Platform: Android (All versions)
Cost: Free! (Donations Encouraged)
[AppBrain Link]
Release Date: June 20, 2010
Version Reviewed: 0.2
As an Android user, I rely heavily on my home screens to launch and switch between applications. While this works well, I’ve often wondered if there was a better way to move between applications. One trick I use often is to hold down on the home button; this will bring up a list of the most recently used applications. While this feature is nice, it is very limited. Thanks to the creative mind of Faruq Rasid, there’s now a better way: enter QuickDesk.
QuickDesk is not a home screen replacement, it’s an add-on that allows you to launch an app or even use a widget from within any application in Android. It’s a semi-transparent screen that you can pull up from anywhere by simply double-tapping the home button or long pressing the search button. On this screen, you can add app shortcuts, folders, and widgets in the 5×4 area. It’s a great place to put settings widgets, direct call links, or anything you use frequently. (more…)