Sweet Jailbreaking Action

I recently acquired an iPod touch, and the first thing I did was jailbreak it and install 3rd party apps, seriously, I didn’t even sync any music to it first.

While cool, the iPod touch is limited greatly out of the box, but add in a quick jailbreak, installer.app, and some iPhone applications like mail and you’ve got yourself a winner. I can do just as much with my iPod touch as I could with my Dell Axim 51v, granted the range of available applications are fairly limited right now, but with the SDK coming in February the best is yet to come. In all seriousness though, an iPod touch of the 8GB variety is $299, verses the $399-499 price tag of a Pocket PC with far less storage space.

Yes, the iPod touch does have a ways to go before it can really be billed as a Pocket PC replacement, and I’m sure Apple would rather roll out an updated Newton to fill that role, but it’s still a very solid mobile platform and incredibly versatile considering its intended use as a music player platform.

So if you can afford an iPod touch and are cool with potentially voiding your warranty, get one, jailbreak it and enjoy!


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