This month I added a new category, Surveys! Yay! I signed up with Pinecone Research and MySurvey and so far I’ve made $8 off two surveys, which is great considering I’ve only been a member of both sites for 10 days. Anyhow, last month I set the goal for myself to try and average $100 a month, did I make it? Indeed I did, and my February earnings even make up for being $4 short last month.
- Interest: $35.37
- Dividends: $11.86
- Credit Card Rewards: $23.10
- AdSense: $4.41
- Text Ads: $25.00
- Misc website income: $15
- Surveys: $8.00
That’s a grand total of $122.74. Not bad at all, and for the record if you’re lazy like me and want to buy a few extra cups of coffee a month I highly recommend you sign up for MySurvey.
Here are my totals for each month since I started this project:
January 2008 – $96.06
December 2007 – $128.09
November 2007 – $88.56
October 2007 – $63.19
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