Tag: Fedor

  • This Week In Sports Tomfoolery: It’s sports, with a T.W.I.S.T.! (June 20-26)

    Welcome to TWIST! The first of, hopefully, many weekly updates regarding the wide world of sports. You read that right:

    Main Entry: tom·fool·ery
    1. Foolish behavior.
    2. Something trivial or foolish; utter nonsense; rubbish

    You’ve come to a blog called Hijinks Inc, you can’t really be surprised that I worked a word like tomfoolery into the title of a recurring post. Besides, if you know me at all, you know that this fits me, and most of the stuff I come up with, quite well. Alright, now that I’ve got the introductions out of the way…

    This was a pretty crazy week in the wide world of sports. One of the most dominant athletes in any sport lost for the ‘first’ time, the longest tennis match in the history of the universe was played and the favorites were knocked out of both the World Cup and the College World Series. Here’s some quick hits:




  • The MMA Minute – Strikeforce 26 Aftermath

    It was a night of greats. The best male and female fighters in the world were on display, one of them exhibited that greatness, the other was shockingly upset, possibly the biggest upset in MMA history. It was also the night that one of the all time greats officially retired as Frank Shamrock hung it up for good and will turn to full time broadcasting.

    Quick  recaps of the main card and a Frank Shamrock highlight video after the jump


  • The MMA Minute – Strikeforce: Fedor vs Werdum

    Not sure if we have any fight fans out there, but then again, nobody is twisting your arm to read this either. Haha, that’d be funny to you if you were a fight fan… but I digress.

    This Saturday night we are treated to an event that features the widely regarded best male and female fighters in the world. Fedor on the men’s side and ‘Cyborg’ Santos to represent the women. Admittedly, I follow the UFC a bit closer, but I’ve been doing my best to watch the recent Strikeforce cards, ever since they absorbed most of EliteXC. Here’s the main card, per Wikipedia:

    Main Card

    And for my quick picks? Fedor over Werdum, ‘Cyborg’ over Finney, Smith over Le, and Thomson over Healy. Regardless, here’s hoping for some good fights.