Tag: Marvel

  • Saturday Shenanigans: Recent Entertainment News

    I’m going to have to apologize about this week’s Saturday Shenanigans (and possibly the upcoming month or so), I volunteer my time as a coach for a flag football team and it just doesn’t leave me a ton of extra time. However, I don’t want these weekly posts to fall by the wayside, so the show must go on!

    With that out of the way, let’s get on to the Shenanigans.

    Google just has to have their hand in everything! The Financial Times says that Google has approached major studios about launching a global pay per view movie service by the end of 2010. If this comes to fruition, analysts speculate that YouTube will become one of the major players in the online video streaming marketplace.

    Entertainment Weekly has a video of an interview on the Emmy red carpet with Tina Fey. In this pre-Emmy clip, she reveals that she’s booked Mad Man Jon Hamm for a return appearance as Drew in her show’s much-anticipated live episode. Jon Hamm has been great in this role, so I’m excited to see how it goes live. Oh, and speaking of the Emmy’s, here’s the list of winners.

    We’ll cover the rest of the shenanigans after the jump. (more…)

  • Entry Level Geek: Marvel Comics Reading Chronology

    I’ve been back here at Hijinks for just under a month, I’ve brought you The MMA Minute, T.W.I.S.T., Saturday’s Shenanigans, and helped to re-popularize (re-popularize? Is that even a word?) Hijinks Reviews of all sorts. It only makes sense that I’d squeeze in one more new ‘theme’.  I’m not sure anybody is actually reading these, but I’m still crankin’ them out regardless!

    With that entry out of the way, welcome to Entry Level Geek. This title inadvertently describes the reason I’m here at Hijinks in the first place! Said nicely, I’m not at the same level of geekdom or nerdery as the rest of our terrific staff, you probably realized that after the first or second post I made. But they haven’t kicked me out yet, so I must trudge forward. Entry Level Geek will include an assortment of things but will probably center mostly around comics and maybe some rumors about upcoming movies based on comics (Avengers anyone? The next Batman flick?). I chose Entry Level Geek because I’ve just recently begun my trip into the world of comics, so I’m far from an expert, but I’m having fun taking it all in.

    To find out what all this nonsense is about, follow me through the jump. (more…)

  • Saturday’s Shenanigans: Recent Entertainment News

    It’s been a pretty slow week in my neck of the woods, there’s just not a lot going on in the sports or entertainment world these days. Here’s the bits and pieces I found worth sharing:

    MGM is in a heap of trouble folks, they’re in such a financial mess that they’ve officially canceled the next Bond movie, and The Hobbit becoming a reality isn’t looking so good either, as it looks like they might’ve just lost Ian McKellen.

    There’s some good and bad news for you in the casting department over at Marvel. Ed Norton won’t be back as the Hulk for the Avengers movie, which really sucks. Apparently Marvel just didn’t want to pony up the cash and decided it would be better to recast the Hulk for a 2nd time in 5 years. Norton was the one and only reason I had any interest in a Hulk movie. In other news, Kevin Bacon is set to play the villain in the upcoming X-Men First Class movie, which is a prequel to the other X-Men films.

    So after all the Team Conan and Team Jay nonsense that NBC created over the course of the last year, and then the asinine decision made to let Conan O’Brien go instead of Jay Leno, might really backfire if things don’t pick up for Leno. Comcast may replace Leno when they take over NBC Universal later this year.

    I’m not sure which is sadder, the fact that a “transient” 23 year old died in a movie theater, or the fact that the last thing he was subjected to was the latest ‘Twilight’ movie. Man, I wasn’t interested in this movie before, if it might kill me I’m definitely not seeing it!

    Join us after the jump for our newest feature of Saturday Shenanigans. (more…)