Tag: top 10

  • Top 10: Ideas For Beginning Bloggers

    Photo courtesy of Elwood Photography.

    I would like to start out today by setting the record straight. I’m not some big deal blogger that churns out real groundbreaking posts that continually make their way around the internet. For those, you’d have to talk to Aaron, he’s the head honcho that’s actually been recognized by one of the big time blogs. If you found this post and you are just starting out as a blogger, or are struggling for ideas, then I’m just like you.

    Today marks the end of the 2nd full month that I’ve had a post every single day. I’ll be the first to admit that not all of those were great posts, but when you are starting out, you can’t expect to strike gold with every post. It’s about getting into the habit of blogging. With experience comes more worthwhile posts, and eventually, it all comes together… I’m still waiting for the whole ‘coming together’ moment with my own writing!

    After the jump I’ll give you my top 10 tips for beginning bloggers, some relate to blog post ideas, some I’m still working on myself, but hopefully you find a point or two to help you get started with your own blog. I’ll also include some links to some other great resources that I’ve used. (more…)

  • Top 10: The Better List Of SNL Dream Hosts

    In yesterday’s Saturday Shenanigans I mentioned a list over on Entertainment Weekly about 15 SNL dream hosts. Well, like I said yesterday, their list is… well, it was crap. Half of their list have hosted in the last 3-4 years, a handful are former stars on the show, and the rest are A-level stars that just don’t need to do things like SNL to promote their movies.

    Now, I’ll admit, some of the people they suggested that have hosted recently deserve to stay on the list, they always do a great job, so every season would be improved with their inclusion, and I’ve included them on this list, but come on EW, that’s shoddy work, at least make an effort. And did you actually watch the shows last season, they were terrible! Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a terrific actor, I’m really hoping he ends up as the villain in the next Batman movie, but on SNL? He sang in practically every skit (kudos for trying, but every skit?) and just didn’t bring that many laughs. The best parts of his show were from actual cast members.

    Rather than nitpicking every selection they made, I’ll summarize… most were not good. So here’s the better list of SNL Dream Hosts, after the jump. (more…)

  • Top 10: People To Follow On Twitter, And Why

    I’ve had a number of responses when I told people I use Twitter:

    • What, why do you do that?
    • You hardly ever post on there, why bother?
    • What’s Twitter?
    • How do you know who to follow?

    While it’s true that I’m not the most active of all twitter-ers (twits? tweeters? tweeties?) as far as posting goes, I use Twitter like many other people, to stay connected to people and things I find interesting. Twitter has become one of the fastest and best ways to stay in touch with any sort of news you deem to be important. If you don’t know who to follow, I’ve made some lists of the people that I follow, feel free to click here and check them out if you’d like. But if you’d just like a few pointers on who to follow, click through and I’ll give you my Top 10, and why I follow them. (more…)

  • The Fanboy 100

    It’s fast approaching the time of year when lists really start going into full swing. This is one of the few lists that actually caught my eye. A quick bit of background for you:

    Earlier this year the American Film Institute re-voted their top 100 American movies of all time. The first list, compiled in 1998 sparked a great discussion, several TV specials and got people talking about some old classics they hadn’t seen in a while. This year that list was updated to see how the films of the last 10 years would be ranked and to see how our tastes in culture had changed.

    Apparently enough fanboys got upset by these rankings, or what was left out of them perhaps, that some of them made a list of what SHOULD have been the top 100. A quick glimpse at the top 10 after the jump:
