I debated going with the “What Dave’s Watching” title for this one because this show is in it’s 3 season and I’m just now getting around to it, but Leverage is a pretty solid show. I have this sick habit of having to watch everything in order from the beginning so that I have the whole story and even if I wasn’t there when it all started, I feel like I have been, and I haven’t missed anything along the way. This is where my habit of downloading everything I watch comes in handy, I’m able to do just that.
So anyway, I’m only 6 episodes into the series, but I’m having a lot of fun, and I can see where the relationships will probably develop and turn into a good overall story. The show is delivered much like Burn Notice, where every episode can basically stand on it’s own, but there is an overall story arc that moves the show along from season to season. It’s also got all the fun and flash to go along with the bickering and showmanship that every con job show/movie requires.
We’ll get into the the show a bit more after the jump. (more…)