In Loving Memory

Yesterday afternoon I was sitting at a coffee shop with my girlfriend, and as I prepared to leave I asked her to pass me my computer bag, somehow as she handed me the bag she knocked over her drink. I watched in horror as 16oz of iced death spilled all over my laptop, it let out its last dying breath in the form of a loud pop, followed closely by a soft hissing noise as the coffee seeped between the keys.

It only lasted a few short seconds, but they felt like an eternity as I stood by helplessly watching as its life was snuffed out right before my eyes.

After 14 hours of “drying” out the computer won’t turn on at all, I didn’t exactly figure it would considering the nature of the sounds that came out of it as it was dying. Somehow I doubt Apple will be all that understanding when they find out that the reason my Macbook Pro isn’t booting is because my girlfriend spilled coffee on it while it was running. Maybe after sitting for another day or two it will miraculously work.

Adding insult to injury, is the fact that I’ve had this computer for a grand total of three months. Oh, and I start school on Tuesday.


2 responses to “In Loving Memory”

  1. ebgamingkid Avatar

    *starts to cry*
    it was a good lappy….
    did it screw with the keyboard? did you have to replace that also?

  2. […] breaking it right now!). And because I ignored this rule my laptop was killed a few months ago by a poorly placed glass of iced coffee […]

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