Pile of Shame

If there was a problem I never thought I’d have, it would be having too many games to play. Turns out that impulse spending on eBay for two weeks in a row will fill up your game shelf pretty dang quick. I think it was Garnett Lee of 1UP Yours fame who coined the term ‘Pile of Shame’. Its the pile of games that you bought with the honest desire to play…then just didn’t have time. My problem is that I had (and have) this list of games in my head that I knew were good and that I’d enjoy playing…and when I saw them on eBay for a good price I couldn’t help myself.

Anyhow, here’s the list.

Nintendo DS

  • Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (Started on it, then quit)
  • Advance Wars: Duel Strike (ditto)
  • Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
  • Harvest Moon DS
  • Lunar Knights
  • Metroid Prime Hunters
  • Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice For All
  • Starfox Command
  • Lego Star Wars II


  • Final Fantasy Tactics
  • Jeanne D’Arc
  • Patapon
  • X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse

That’s thirteen games that I need to play. Moral of the story? Fred needs to stop looking at eBay.


2 responses to “Pile of Shame”

  1. Aaron Nelsen Avatar

    Either that or Fred needs to start selling on eBay, not buying.

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