Man, July hit and Hijinks died. While Aaron has an excuse (he’s trying hard to hospitalize himself with his new scooter), I really don’t. My problem hasn’t been a lack of content to write about, but more of a lack of interest in the content thats available. Apple’s App Store launched recently with a plethora of new games and software for the iPhone and iPod Touch. The aspiring developers found within the confines of have been busy too, but I haven’t taken the time to actually play around with any of the new stuff.
Its times like this that convince me I couldn’t make it as a serious video game writer; I really enjoy games…with the caveat that they are actually enjoyable to play. No offense to the nice and I’m sure well meaning indie developers, but 90% of it isn’t stuff that’s enjoyable to play. Enjoyable to make fun of maybe, but even that gets old after a while.
Complaining aside, I promise to get some actual content going here in the near future. E3 is in full swing, with all the major press conferences in the past 24 hours. Final Fantasy XIII is coming to 360, Wii gets a voice chat periphial, and Sony announced God of War 3 and a handful of 1st party PSP games. Yay for the handheld market!
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