What TV Shows Are You Excited For?

Tomorrow brings September, and September brings the beginning of the fall season of television. Since I gave you the rundown of my summer shows back in June, I decided to also give you look into my viewing habits for the fall season. I’ve got a handful of shows returning from last year, and some new ones that I’m excited about. Here’s a list breaking them all down by night, all times Eastern, new shows in italics:

Sunday Night (New episodes start Sept. 26)
Family Guy – 8pm on Fox
Dexter – 9pm on Showtime
Bored To Death – 10pm on HBO
Eastbound And Down – 10:30pm on HBO

Quick Notes: I haven’t watched Family Guy on a real regular basis for awhile, but it’s one I catch every now and then, usually good for a few laughs. Dexter is one of the few serious shows I watch, and it’s really good. If you haven’t been watching this show go put it in your Netflix queue now, the first 2 seasons are available to stream. Bored To Death really only hooked me because of my desire to see everything Zach Galifianakis is in, but it actually got pretty good as the season went along last year. And then we’ve got Eastbound and Down, which hasn’t been on for a few years, but stars Danny Mcbride as a former MLB star having a hard time letting go of his fame… the first season was great, I hope they can reconnect and make another good run.

The rest of the week after the jump.

Monday Night (New episodes start Sept. 20)
How I Met Your Mother – 8pm on CBS
Rules of Engagement – 8:30pm on CBS
Chuck – 8pm on NBC
Castle – 10pm on ABC

Quick Notes: How I Met Your Mother has been pretty solid, up until last year. I felt it was very hit and miss last season… hopefully they get it together and get back to what made it so great. Rules of Engagement is one of my favorite shows on television, Patrick Warburton’s character is almost exactly like me. This is it’s first year without being a mid-season replacement, so hopefully it will catch on. Chuck has been on the edge of cancellation for a few years, but the show just keeps getting better and better, please watch it so that they don’t get rid of it! Castle is all about Nathan Fillion, you just have to love him.

Tuesday Night
No Ordinary Family – 8pm on ABC (New episodes start Sept. 28)
Running Wilde – 9:30pm on Fox (New episodes start Sept. 21)

Quick Notes: These are both new shows that I’m at least vaguely interested in. I don’t know that I’ll continue past a couple episodes, but they are on my list of new shows to watch. I’ll let you know what I think of them once they get a few episodes in.

Wednesday Night
Modern Family – 9pm on ABC (New episodes start Sept. 22)
The Ultimate Fighter – 10pm on Spike (New episodes start Sept. 15)
Friday Night Lights – TBA on DirecTV
Terriers – 10pm on FX (New episodes start Sept. 8th)

Quick Notes: Modern Family is without a doubt my favorite new show from last season. In fact, it vaulted into my top 10 favorites of all time. The Ultimate Fighter is the only reality show I watch, and it’s more about the upcoming MMA talent than all the stupid reality garbage that comes along with it. Friday Night Lights… I gotta admit, I’m a football coach and I only watch this show to help feed my football addiction during the off-season. Terriers is another show I’m going to try out, you’ll probably hear about it in about a month.

Thursday Night (New episodes start Sept. 23)
Bones – 8pm on Fox
Community – 8pm on NBC
30 Rock – 8:30pm on NBC
The Office – 9pm on NBC
Outsourced – 9:30pm on NBC
The Big Bang Theory – 8pm on CBS
$#*! My Dad Says – 8:30pm on CBS
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia – 10pm on FX (New episodes start Sept. 16)
The League – 10:30pm on FX (New episodes start Sept. 16)

Quick Notes: Thursday night is sitcom night. Parks and Rec has been moved to a midseason replacement, so I’m going to try out this new show, Outsourced. Don’t have real high hopes for it, but I love the other 3 shows NBC is pairing it with, so I figure it’s at least worth a try. Community would have been my favorite show of last season if not for Modern Family, really looking forward to it’s 2nd season. The Office was really down last year, if they have another year like that, I hope they just let it go with Steve Carell, but hopefully they rebound. 30 Rock is one of the most off the wall shows I’ve ever seen, and every time I think it’s lost a step, it blows me away again. There’s nothing else on TV even remotely like it.

Friday Night
Smallville – 8pm on CW (New episodes start Sept. 24)

Quick Notes: I always wanted to watch Smallville when it was starting out, but never remembered, and then it got terrible for 3-4 years and I lost interest. The last few years have been pretty good though, so I went back and watched the rest of it. Looks like this show is heading for a very solid ending.

Saturday Night
Saturday Night Live – 11:30pm on NBC (New episodes start Sept. 25)

Quick Notes: They had a lot of really bad hosts on SNL last season. I’m hoping Will Ferrell and Justin Timberlake come back to host at some point this year (and maybe Christopher Walken? Oh, and Betty White too!) The show really varied in strength based on who was hosting. I’m hoping for a few changes to the supporting cast though, and I have reasonably high hopes for this season.

Midseason Replacements
The Cape – on NBC
Parks And Recreation – on NBC
Mr. Sunshine – on ABC

Quick Notes: Parks and Rec was pretty good last season, so I’m hoping this move to midseason isn’t a sign of it’s fading out. The Cape could be pretty cool if it’s done right, or it could be totally lame like Heroes and bomb out. Mr. Sunshine only interests me because of Matthew Perry, so we’ll see how long that one keeps me interested.

What shows are you excited about watching? Based on my list, are there any shows that you’d suggest I try out? They can be new series or even just your favorite show back on the air. Maybe you are curious when your favorite show starts, check out this awesome list from TheFutonCritic, I also recommend you look over their fall block schedule. Let me know what you think!


2 responses to “What TV Shows Are You Excited For?”

  1. […] there boys and girls! I’ve recently given you a sneak peak at the upcoming fall TV season, another edition of Entry Level Geek, and even a Top 10 list. Well, I’m in the midst of a […]

  2. […] Last week I gave you all my recommendations for the upcoming fall TV season. The process of combining all the shows I watch into a single schedule made me start to think about all the great characters these shows represent. While everybody loves watching Jim, Pam, Michael, and Dwight on The Office, what makes that show so great is the cast of outstanding characters that comes along with those stars. […]

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