Tag: based on comic book

  • Hijinks Movie Reviews: The Losers

    The summer of 2010 brought us two ragtag military team movies. Movie A: “A group of Iraq War veterans looks to clear their name with the U.S. military, who suspect the four men of committing a crime for which they were framed.” and Movie B: “After being betrayed and left for dead, members of a CIA black ops team root out those who targeted them for assassination.”

    Movie B happened to be The Losers, Movie A was The A-Team. While I’ve heard good things about The A-Team, I haven’t seen that one yet. The Losers theatrical release date was jockeyed around a bit, but ended up being April 23, 2010, and July 20, 2010 was it’s DVD and Blu-Ray release. We’ll get into it a bit more, with possible spoilers, after the break. (more…)

  • Hijinks Movie Reviews: Kick-Ass

    As I sit down to write this review, I realize that I don’t seem to know much about these movies before I sit down to watch them… it’s really been a recurring theme in all my reviews. Hopefully my New In Theaters section of Saturday Shenanigans will help me to better understand what these movies are about on a week to week basis!

    The only thing I really knew about Kick-Ass was that it was about a kid that dresses up like a superhero and fights crime, it was based on a graphic novel, and that it received pretty good reviews. I didn’t even realize Nicolas Cage was in this movie, that alone is typically a deal breaker (as was the case with , Knowing, Bangkok Dangerous, Next, I could go on but is that really necessary?) unless there’s something else that really draws me to the movie, like National Treasure 2 (I enjoyed the 1st one) or Eva Mendes in Ghost Rider. That’s another terrible movie and I can’t stand Nic Cage in it, but Mendes just looks so good in that movie…

    *Clearing my throat* Wow, sorry for that rabbit trail there. We’re here to talk about Kick-Ass, not Nic Cage (but I have to say, he wasn’t too bad in this movie!) Released on April 16, 2010 and on DVD and Blu-Ray on August 3, 2010, Kick-Ass is based on the comic book of the same name by Mark Millar and the film was directed by Matthew Vaughn. I’ll get into my reason for listing these details after the break. (more…)