Tag: Community

  • The 5 Best TV Characters Under The Radar

    Last week I gave you all my recommendations for the upcoming fall TV season. The process of combining all the shows I watch into a single schedule made me start to think about all the great characters these shows represent. While everybody loves watching Jim, Pam, Michael, and Dwight on The Office, what makes that show so great is the cast of outstanding characters that comes along with those stars.

    A great supporting character can occasionally go episodes at a time without any screen time, but then they show up and can completely steal the scene, even from the main character. It’s these characters that really make today’s top shows work, and I’ve got my 5 favorite supporting characters for you, in no particular order, after the break.

  • Hijinks Inc. Forum is Live!

    Those of you who pay close attention to the site probably noticed a little forum link showing up in the menu bar last week, but today we are officially launching the Hijinks Inc. Forum!

    We here at Hijinks have been looking for more ways to promote user interaction and to give people reasons to visit the site more often, adding a forum seemed to be a logical step and we really hope you guys stick around and take advantage of it.

    If you’ve previously registered for an account on Hijinks Inc. we’ve reserved your username for you, however you’ll need to reset your password in order to access the forum. Resetting your password does not change your WordPress password, that will remain untouched.

    New user, or not sure if you have an existing WordPress account? Just register for a new forum account.

    We played around with bridging the user databases, but it slowed things way down and was awfully buggy. So for the time being you’ll need to login / logout of the forum and the blog individually, using separate accounts.

    If you have any problems, or have feedback, please let us know.

  • Saturday Shenanigans: Recent Entertainment News

    It’s that time of the week again, here’s your entertainment news:

    The teaser trailer they showed at Comic-Con for The Avengers is now online, click here to check it out. It’s not much, but you’ve gotta start somewhere.

    Zachary Levi addressed those rumors we told you about in the last Entry Level Geek, about him auditioning for the new Superman movie. In a recent interview with IGN he said:

    “It’s complete fiction. A bummer that it’s complete fiction!” Levi recounted how he himself began hearing about it. “I start getting these text messages from my friends, saying, ‘What is going on? You didn’t tell us any of this!’ And I’m asking, ‘What are you talking about?’ I get this link emailed to me from my publicist. She goes, ‘Just so you know…’ I go check it out, and of course, on the bottom of that article there’s all these comments, and every other article that spawned off of that and all the comments on those sites.”

    “I guess one of the things that I fear is that people pigeonhole me in the nerd role,” Levi told me. “Because a lot them say, ‘Well, I can see him as Clark Kent, but I can’t see me as Supes.’” Levi laughed, adding, “I’m an actor! Just give me six months and a gym. Give me something! I guess one of the upsides is that people are going, ‘I can believe him as Wally West. Make him The Flash! I can believe that!’ Which would be amazing.”

    More news along with this week’s New In Theaters after the jump. (more…)

  • Saturday’s Shenanigans = Entertainment News + Double Rainbow

    In honor of the great Nathan Fillion (@NathanFillion on Twitter) and his spearheading of the new “it” phrase ‘double rainbow‘, I will bring you the entertainment news this week with a double rainbow rating:

    Totally not double rainbow: After last weeks news that Ed Norton officially would not be back in the role of Bruce Banner and turning into the Hulk, we have a new possibility to fill Banner’s shoes: Joaquin Phoenix. Please, are you serious? If this is true, I’m going to be awfully upset. Marvel said they didn’t want to pay Norton and that he was to difficult to deal with. So your solution is go get another A-lister? One who grew a big homeless guy beard, ‘retired’ and turned himself into a rapper for a ‘documentary’? Yeah, sounds like the perfect example of reasonable and accountable.

    Double rainbow across the sky, all the way: Another rumor about Mark Ruffalo replacing Norton seems a bit more on the level. Apparently they are in advanced stages of negotiations, it looks like this is probably going to happen. (more…)