Tag: World Cup

  • T.W.I.S.T. for July 4-10

    No extra fluff this week, no terrible jokes, just the big sports stories of the week. Outside of NBA free agency and the World Cup there’s just not much going on, unless you like baseball, in which case I pity your soul. Here we go:


    The free agency period is now in full swing as most of the big names have found their homes. Dirk Nowitzki stayed in DallasJoe Johnson stayed in Atlanta, and Paul Pierce stayed in Boston, but Amare followed his old coach to the New York Knicks and Carlos Boozer joined the young guns in Chicago. Miami ended up reeling in all the big fish in free agency grabbing Lebron James, Chris Bosh and keeping Dwayne Wade. Now the interesting thing is finding out how the Heat can fit more players under their salary cap to fill out their roster. (more…)

  • This Week In Sports Tomfoolery: Let’s T.W.I.S.T. Again (July 27-July 3)

    If you’ve read my terrible joke of a headline and still chose to glance over the article, I’d like to take a moment to thank you. With the World Cup wrapping up and the football season still about 2 months away, this is the painfully slow portion of the year for sports fans, I feel your pain. Here’s your quick hits from the world of sports:


    There’s some talk that the 3 big free agents in this years class (Chris Bosh, Dwayne Wade, and some dude named Lebron), the ones half the teams in the NBA have been preparing to get for the last 2-3 seasons, may all end up in Miami. This free agent class is perhaps one of the best of all time, and if Miami can indeed fit those 3 under their salary cap, they’ve locked up title contention for the foreseeable future. As much as I’d like to see this, I think there’s a better chance Bosh and LeBron end up in Chicago with someone like Carlos Boozer ending up in Miami with Wade. I’m still holding out hope though that at least LeBron and Wade end up together somewhere. And the latest rumor has Wade interested in Chicago!


    Brett Favre has been throwing to the local high school receivers again since late May (which is becoming a yearly tradition in this ‘will he or won’t he?’ saga), and he went and had the surgery he’d need if he wanted to continue playing… let’s face it people, the man is coming back. He might be the first NFL player ever to die of old age on the football field. (more…)

  • This Week In Sports Tomfoolery: It’s sports, with a T.W.I.S.T.! (June 20-26)

    Welcome to TWIST! The first of, hopefully, many weekly updates regarding the wide world of sports. You read that right:

    Main Entry: tom·fool·ery
    1. Foolish behavior.
    2. Something trivial or foolish; utter nonsense; rubbish

    You’ve come to a blog called Hijinks Inc, you can’t really be surprised that I worked a word like tomfoolery into the title of a recurring post. Besides, if you know me at all, you know that this fits me, and most of the stuff I come up with, quite well. Alright, now that I’ve got the introductions out of the way…

    This was a pretty crazy week in the wide world of sports. One of the most dominant athletes in any sport lost for the ‘first’ time, the longest tennis match in the history of the universe was played and the favorites were knocked out of both the World Cup and the College World Series. Here’s some quick hits:


