Category: 10.5.2

  • OS X 10.5.2

    I’m sure by now you’ve heard the wonderful news, 10.5.2 is finally out. Yay! I’ll spare you the boring technical details, but holy crap did 10.5.2 jack my boot time. When I first installed Leopard my boot time went from 33 seconds to 54 seconds, ridiculous! Anyhow, after the 10.5.2 update it was taken my Macbook Pro a full 2 minutes to boot, for shame!

    So yeah, I reset my PRAM and emptied out my caches and got things back to around 54 seconds. Just keep that in mind when you install the update. Please note, normally I don’t care about boot times that much, but I’m bored out of my mind right now.

    p.s. TUAW is reporting that 10.5.2 makes your WoW run faster