Category: Auto Tech

  • DTV Shredder – Now the Uno has a little brother!

    Saw this and knew I had to post about it… who doesn’t like something with tracks?  The DTV (Dual Tracked Vehicle) Shredder is developed by BPG Werks out of Canada, and is the brainchild of Benjamin Gulak, who also brought us the Uno… a self-balancing uni-motorcycle.

    This time, he’s developed a cross between a scooter, a skateboard, a snowboard and a tank.  From the videos, it looks to be pretty off-road capable, and with a top speed of 30 mph, it’s no slouch.

    They’re also pitching it to the Military, who I think could definitely put it to good use.

    On their website, you can put down a fully refundable $250 to be put on a waiting list.  I couldn’t find any pricing figures, but I wouldn’t hold your breath, it’ll probably be a healthy premium.  But why not?  It’s not like you could go to Wal Mart and pick one up…

    Video after the break


  • Cool Auto Tech: HP Tuners Suite

    Ever wanted to know exactly what that computer in your car was telling it to do?  Look inside it’s brain with the HP Tuners Suite.

    Designed to program your existing PCM (Powertrain Control Module), you connect the interface to the OBD-II port on your car, and then to the USB on your laptop.  The software has a live monitor that logs the data all of the sensors are sending the PCM.  You can then also program all of the parameters that the PCM uses to control the car.  It’s my plan to acquire the interface, so I’ll have more in-depth review and walk-throughs later, but for now, here’s a video someone made of a Firebird running a 1/4 mile race, with the HP Tuners overlay… pretty cool.

    You’ll want to watch it in 480p, but it’s still a little difficult to see the gauges and graphs.  They are as follows:

    • KR (Knock Retard)  KR retards the timing curve if the knock sensors detect pre-detonation in the cylinders.
    • Timing Advance (Ignition Timing) Controls the timing of the ignition spark.
    • TPS % (Throttle Position Sensor) The percentage of how far open your throttle is.
    • MAP (Manifold Absolute Pressure) The tiny gauge in the upper left is the MAP, which allows the computer to calculate the air mass so that it can deliver the correct amount of fuel.
    • RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) How fast the engine is turning.
    • Speed (Miles Per Hour) Self explanatory.

    The HP Tuners software will actually keep track of a lot more sensors, but these are by far the most important.

  • Cool Auto Tech: Power Commander Quick Shifter

    Hey everyone!  I’m Jared Burham, and I’m back writing for Hijinks again.  Aaron graciously asked me back to contribute, so I’ll be sharing articles on Saturdays, hopefully on a regular basis.  I’ll be all over the map with tech-related content, but a lot of it will include how technology is shaping automotive engineering, and how it’s a very integral part of the cars we drive and the motorcycles we ride everyday.

    I want to start off with a segment I’ll have every once in a while called ‘Cool Auto Tech’, in which I’ll share with you some technology that’s used in the automotive world that’s just plain awesome! Today, we have the Power Commander Dynojet Quick Shifter.  As for a little background, a Power Commander computer module is an aftermarket piggy-back engine control system that is used on modern sport bikes to tune how the engine performs.  In short, when installed, the computer takes readings from multiple sensors and adjusts mainly the ignition timing (when the spark fires the cylinders), and the mixture of fuel and air that enters the engine.  These parameters, when tuned correctly, can greatly increase the amount of power an engine will produce.  There are several accessories that the makers of the Power Commander offer to modify how the rider controls the bike, and one of them is the Dynojet Quick Shifter sensor.  Please read on:
