Tag: Adobe

  • How to Fix Adobe’s “Licensing for this product has stopped working” Error

    The other day my MacBook Pro strangely stopped booting. No worries, I just restored from a backup and all was well… That is until I tried to use Dreamweaver CS4, when I was greeted by this lovely visage:

    Licensing for this product has stopped working."

    Oh really? That’s wonderful, thanks Adobe.

    Now the instructions I’m going to give you can be found on Adobe’s website, but I had a heck of a time trying to find them, hopefully this will make things easier for you if you run into this error.

    The solution is actually pretty straight forward:

    1. Using Finder, navigate to /Library/Preferences/FLEXnet Publisher/FLEXnet.
    2. Control+Click on the FLEXnet folder, and then select Get Info.
    3. Expand the Sharing & Permissions section.
    4. Click on the Details option to show the various owner and group options.
    5. Click the lock icon in the lower right corner. Type in your administrator username and password when prompted and click OK.
    6. Change your username to have Read & Write permissions.
    7. Change admin to have Read & Write permissions.
    8. Change Everyone to have Read & Write permissions.
    9. Click the Gear icon and select Apply To Enclosed Item. (all those steps can be found on Adobe’s site http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/405/kb405970.html)

    But you MUST delete adobe_00080000_tsf.data and adobe_00080000_event.log.

    After that:

    10. Close the FLEXnet Info dialog box.

    11. Launch any of the Adobe Creative Suite 4 product.