It’s finally here! The final release of Firefox 3 is now up for download!
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It’s finally here! The final release of Firefox 3 is now up for download!
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Don’t forget, tomorrow is Firefox 3 Download Day! If you’d like to find out more about what’s new in Firefox 3, check out the Firefox 3 Field Guide by Deb Richardson.
Firefox 3 Final is set to be released Tuesday, June 17th.
If you haven’t heard yet, Mozilla is aiming to set the world record for most downloads within 24 hours with the release of Firefox 3. You can check their progress here.
The folks at Mozilla announced today that they’re hoping to set a world record for the most downloads within 24 hours with the release of Firefox 3.
Check out their pledge page (as of the time I’m posting this they have 170,155 pledges) and join the cause.