I first heard about Green Zone during it’s release week, which was March 12, 2010. It was wrapped in a fancy package:
Matt Damon and director Paul Greengrass (The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum, United 93) re-team for the electrifying thriller Green Zone.
So of course, I saw the first 10 words or so, combined with the description of ‘electrifying thriller’ and I thought, “Sweet! It’s going to be like a Bourne movie!” Well, it wasn’t exactly like a Bourne movie.
Released on DVD and Blu-Ray on June 22, 2010, I had to wait until late July to get it because of the stupid limitations and delays Netflix gets. I finally got around to watching it the other night and it was very different from what I expected. Matt Damon is another of my ‘movie crushes’, I’ll often watch a movie simply because his name is in the credits. Stuck on You is a good example of another Damon movie I watched just because he was in it (coincidentally, Damon’s co-star Greg Kinnear was also in that one, and I kept teasing my wife asking her how long after Stuck on You this movie took place because they didn’t even seem to recognize each other anymore since they were separated.)
Stupid jokes aside, we’ll get into what Green Zone was, the good and the bad, after the jump. (more…)