Tag: movies 2010

  • Hijinks Movie Reviews: She’s Out Of My League

    Confession time, well, 2 things really. One, I rented She’s Out Of My League because Alice Eve is looks really good on the cover. Two, I have a very honest relationship with my wife, and I love it. While watching the movie, after the first few scenes Alice Eve was in, my wife turned to me and said, “She’s really cute! Is she on your list?” More on that list later.

    I didn’t really intend to watch this movie until a friend of mine told me how much he enjoyed it. This particular friend is very conservative in his movie watching and it surprised me that he’d chosen this movie to watch… I’d written it off as just another raunch-fest that so many teen/college age movies seem to be these days. So when I sat down to watch She’s Out Of My League, I really wasn’t sure what to expect. (more…)

  • Hijinks Movie Reviews: Cop Out

    Cop Out is a homage to all the buddy cop movies out there. Homage, which Tracy Morgan’s character points out early in the movie, is a french word for “You’d better let me do this!” He was referring to interrogating a witness, during which he proceeded to poorly imitate a number of cop movies.

    This is a good example of what this movie ultimately achieves. Great dialogue followed by a scene that just missed the mark. If the entire movie could have been Willis and Morgan driving around arguing, it probably would have been better. We’ll hit the specifics and some plot details after the break. (more…)

  • Hijinks Movie Reviews: The Bounty Hunter

    I’m really not sure why I like Gerard Butler so much, outside of 300 I really haven’t cared for many of his movies (although I guess I enjoyed Law Abiding Citizen too). But I definitely haven’t been a huge fan of his romantic comedies. There’s just something about him that makes me want to keep seeing his movies, maybe he just comes across as a regular guy’s guy? Maybe I like his accent? I just really can’t remember what interested me about The Bounty Hunter, whatever the case, I sat down and watched it recently with my wife… maybe she likes his accent?

    Here’s your specifics for the film, released in theater March 19, 2010 and on DVD & Blu-ray on July 13, 2010. We’ll get into the movie a bit more after the jump. (more…)

  • Hijinks Movie Reviews: Kick-Ass

    As I sit down to write this review, I realize that I don’t seem to know much about these movies before I sit down to watch them… it’s really been a recurring theme in all my reviews. Hopefully my New In Theaters section of Saturday Shenanigans will help me to better understand what these movies are about on a week to week basis!

    The only thing I really knew about Kick-Ass was that it was about a kid that dresses up like a superhero and fights crime, it was based on a graphic novel, and that it received pretty good reviews. I didn’t even realize Nicolas Cage was in this movie, that alone is typically a deal breaker (as was the case with , Knowing, Bangkok Dangerous, Next, I could go on but is that really necessary?) unless there’s something else that really draws me to the movie, like National Treasure 2 (I enjoyed the 1st one) or Eva Mendes in Ghost Rider. That’s another terrible movie and I can’t stand Nic Cage in it, but Mendes just looks so good in that movie…

    *Clearing my throat* Wow, sorry for that rabbit trail there. We’re here to talk about Kick-Ass, not Nic Cage (but I have to say, he wasn’t too bad in this movie!) Released on April 16, 2010 and on DVD and Blu-Ray on August 3, 2010, Kick-Ass is based on the comic book of the same name by Mark Millar and the film was directed by Matthew Vaughn. I’ll get into my reason for listing these details after the break. (more…)

  • Hijinks Movie Reviews: Date Night

    I honestly never really knew anything about Date Night prior to watching it, the only thing I knew was Steve Carell and Tina Fey were starring in a movie together, that alone was enough to make me want to see it. I was of the impression that the movie was about two single people going on the worst date ever, that’s not at all what the movie is about.

    Date Night was released in theaters on April 9, 2010 and on DVD and Blu-ray August 10, 2010. While it definitely isn’t anything you haven’t seen before, I think it’s the quality of the actors in the movie helped to make it a fun ride, from the 2 stars down to appearances by Mark Wahlberg and James Franco in a couple of hilarious scenes, Date Night does a good job of delivering the laughs. We’ll get into the movie a bit more after the jump. (more…)