Tag: OS X

  • iOS 4.2 Beta Drops

    Apple has made a beta of iOS 4.2 for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch available to developers for download.

    While I was downloading iOS 4.2 for iPad, I noticed this advisement:

    iOS SDK 4.2 beta requires Mac OS X v10.6.5 pre-release to test printing from your app.

    So it looks like you’ll need a Mac connected to a printer in order to print wirelessly from an iDevice, not quite the network printer discovery I was hoping for. This also raises the question of  whether or not Apple will be releasing a Windows client for sharing printers as well? Technically the framework is already there, since Bonjour has been available for Windows users for awhile now.

    I have yet to install 10.6.5 to try this out, but my spare MacBook Pro looks like a prime candidate for the pre-release software treatment.

  • Portal 2: Release date announced

    We won’t have to wait too much longer, as Valve announced Wed morning Portal 2’s release date to be February 9th of next year.  Being a huge fan of the original, I’ll definitely be putting this one on my list.  Inherently, I’ll be opting for the PC or Mac version, as a game like Portal, in my humble opinion, is best played with a mouse.  They’re also releasing for PS3 and Xbox 360.

    There’s some awesome new elements they’re rolling out with this one, including Wheatley, a friendly British robot that will accompany you, voiced by Stephen Merchant (writer for both versions of The Office, and also starred in a few episodes of the US version).

    They’ve also added features, among others, like Repulsion and Propulsion Gel, an Excursion Funnel, the Pneumatic Diversity Vent, the Aerial Faith Plate, and a Thermal Discouragement Beam.  For trailers showcasing these features and more, check out Portal’s official teaser site here.

    For the latest news, keep an eye on gameinformer.

  • Keychain Access Issues in OS X 10.6.2

    After updating to 10.6.2 I’ve been running into some keychain issues, receiving errors like this one pretty much every time I try and save an item to my Keychain:

    Keychain “login” cannot be found to store “login”
    [Restore Defaults] [Cancel]

    Thankfully the fix is pretty simple.

    Open your Applications folder.
    Then go to Utilities.
    Open up Keychain Access.
    Click Keychain Access in your navigation bar, and select Keychain First Aid.
    Run the Repair function.
    Then run the Verify function.

    That should fix things.

  • OS X on the HP TouchSmart tx2z

    After only mild success with installing OS X on the TouchSmat IQ507 I’ve set my sights on yet another HP touch screen computer. This time the target is the TouchSmart tx2z tablet PC, which actually uses a true capacitive touch screen, instead of the IR based one in the TouchSmart IQ507.

    Minor details aside, the tx2z should be arriving later this afternoon. I’ll post any progress I make.

  • Closer to OS X on the HP TouchSmart

    I’ve managed to get OS X installed on the HP TouchSmart IQ507, however I’m still having serious issues getting it to boot fully. Seems to hang right before it gets to the IOACPI phase of the boot process.

    There is good news though! I was able to get the touchscreen working under the OS X installer with very little work at all. Which bodes well for the full install, if I can ever get it to boot that is.

    So if anyone has any thoughts on the IOACPI issue, let me know.