Tag: zachary levi

  • Saturday Shenanigans: Recent Entertainment News

    It’s that time of the week again, here’s your entertainment news:

    The teaser trailer they showed at Comic-Con for The Avengers is now online, click here to check it out. It’s not much, but you’ve gotta start somewhere.

    Zachary Levi addressed those rumors we told you about in the last Entry Level Geek, about him auditioning for the new Superman movie. In a recent interview with IGN he said:

    “It’s complete fiction. A bummer that it’s complete fiction!” Levi recounted how he himself began hearing about it. “I start getting these text messages from my friends, saying, ‘What is going on? You didn’t tell us any of this!’ And I’m asking, ‘What are you talking about?’ I get this link emailed to me from my publicist. She goes, ‘Just so you know…’ I go check it out, and of course, on the bottom of that article there’s all these comments, and every other article that spawned off of that and all the comments on those sites.”

    “I guess one of the things that I fear is that people pigeonhole me in the nerd role,” Levi told me. “Because a lot them say, ‘Well, I can see him as Clark Kent, but I can’t see me as Supes.’” Levi laughed, adding, “I’m an actor! Just give me six months and a gym. Give me something! I guess one of the upsides is that people are going, ‘I can believe him as Wally West. Make him The Flash! I can believe that!’ Which would be amazing.”

    More news along with this week’s New In Theaters after the jump. (more…)

  • Entry Level Geek: Rumors, Leads, and First Looks

    The next few years will bring us the possibility of some of the greatest Superhero movies of all time, or it will all be an enormous letdown. Whether they turn out to be successes or flops, we’ll have to wait and see, but with all of them coming out within 2 years of each other, this leads to many rumors and possibilities floating around. So this is an exciting time for fans of these franchises. Comic-Con just wrapped up, so LOTS of details are being released about all these movies, so we have plenty to cover, let’s not waste anymore time.

    We’ve got our first look at Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern! Cinematical says:

    One of the more interesting things about Reynolds and this Green Lantern costume is that the entire get-up is being created with computers and placed on Reynolds after the fact. If you’ve seen images of Reynolds on set, the guy is covered in all sorts of dots and whatnot (see an image here) so that they can work their movie magic in post-production and provide the guy with his magic superhero suit. Will this help or hurt the production in the end? That we don’t know … yet.

    I just don’t really get into the Green Lantern as a character, seems like one of the dumber superheros to me. The guy just puts on a ring and can become things… I guess it’s not the lamest idea for a super dude, but it doesn’t trip my trigger. I love Ryan Reynolds though, so I’m looking forward to the movie anyway. Some great tidbits about the movie after the jump with possible spoilers, plus info on Superman, Batman, Captain America… and more.
