Here are some instructions for installing NES games on your iPod touch or iPhone. These will best benefit you if you already have a jailbroken iPod or iPhone and a wireless network.
Updated: 1-15-2008
First step: Assuming you’re running the 1.1.1 firmware you can use to jailbreak your iPod.
Second step: Use to download the NES emulator
Third step: Download the NES ROM you want to install
Fourth step: Determine the IP address of your iPod touch, the easiest way to do this is tap Settings, then hit Wi-Fi.
You’ll see a similar screen to this
Tap on the blue arrow next to the wireless network you’re connected to, you should see something like this:
Write down what it says under IP address, you’ll use that in the next step
Fifth step:
For Windows users (I promise a more detailed version of this with screen shots is coming):
Download an SFTP capable client, like CoreFTP LE (it’s free!)
Configure it with the following settings:
Server: The IP of your iPod touch
Username: root
Password: alpine
(Make sure your iPod is turned on and connected to your wireless network before you try and connect)
Navigate to the following directory: /var/root/Media
Create a folder named ROMs (if it doesn’t already exist)
Open the ROMs folder and create a folder named NES
Upload your NES ROM file to this directory
For Mac users:
Download and install Cyberduck
Run Cyberduck, hit Open Connection, under Protocol select SFTP
In the server box, enter the IP of your iPod touch (should be what you wrote down in the last step)
Enter root for the username
Enter alpine for the password
It should look something like this:
Then under More Options enter the following into the Path field: /var/root/Media
Then hit Connect! (Make sure your iPod is on and connected to your network prior to clicking Connect)
If you don’t see a folder named ROMs listed, you’ll need to create one, just right-click and hit New Folder and name it ROMs.
Then open up the ROMs folder and create another folder named NES.
Now open up the NES folder and copy your ROM file(s) there.
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