NCAA Football 11 released today (or yesterday depending on where you are reading this), I haven’t had enough time to check it out quite as much as I’d like to give you a full review yet, but we seem to have had quite a bit of traffic from my NCAA 11 TeamBuilder post, so since that went over so well, I’ll provide you with a few more links to fill out your college football experience.
Rosters File Download: C’mon, nobody likes to play a football game with #18 passing to #86 with #21 on the coverage. So head over here and download the free rosters file. Every player on every team is named, and in most cases they’ve taken the time to update the roster over what EA released initially. Don’t get tricked into paying for this, it’s available for free all over the place by download from the correct EA Locker. Thanks to the forums at for this tidbit:
Q: How do we get the roster from the EA Locker?
A: Thinking that the EA Locker works the same as last year…..Go to the EA Locker, select download, input the correct gamertag into the input roster file name. (NOTE: YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE ON THEIR FRIENDS LIST TO GET THESE ROSTERS) Once downloaded go to file management and reload the roster you just downloaded.
Xbox 360 Rosters – CcAaRrSsOoNn3
PS3 Rosters – buckeye02 or gamingtailgate
(PLEASE NOTE that they are finalizing the rosters as we speak, they will post a new thread notifying everybody of a completed upload, but if you don’t want to wait for that and just want to get started, feel free to download the file from their EA lockers. Also, if you happen to find a missing player, or someone out of position on your favorite team, be sure to let them know in the Roster Correction Thread so they can get it fixed right away!)
*Edit: If you don’t have a connection to the internet, check out my tutorial on downloading the roster file and using a flash drive to transfer it to your console
For information on Custom Stadium sounds, follow me through the jump:
Custom Stadium Sounds: If you’ve never taken the time to add some custom stadium sounds, I highly recommend it. I played football video games for years without messing with that, and finally fiddled around with it a bit in NCAA 09 and it makes a huge difference in the game atmosphere. You can add any sound you want to have play at certain times of the game, and the users over at Operation Sports have taken it upon themselves to include the actual sounds from many of the stadiums in college football; far and above the sounds that EA has included in the game already. You might have to dig through these posts, but you should be able to find anybody in their respective conference:
Big 12 | Big 10 | ACC | SEC | Pac-10 | Big East | Independents (You can probably ask for help if your team isn’t already listed, they’re pretty good over there. Click here for another good list of miscellaneous school chants and songs. Keep in mind that many of these were put together for NCAA 09, so it may not be the most recent music your school uses in all cases.)
If you have any questions about how to download and use these roster files or the custom stadium sounds, feel free to comment or reach me on twitter (@sackdaddy) I’d love to help in any way I can.
Rating: 9 out of 10
Rent/Buy: Buy, GO, do it now!
Publisher: EA Sports
Platform: Xbox 360 and PS3
Cost: Varies [Amazon Link]
Release date: July 13th, 2010
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