Tag: quickpwn

  • Jailbreak 101: An Introduction to Jailbreaking

    Jailbreak 101: An Introduction to JailbreakingWelcome to the wonderful world of jailbreaking, each week I’m going to focus on how to better take advantage of your new found freedom by featuring an app only available through Cydia.

    This week  I’m going to walk you through jailbreaking your iDevice, this used to be a lot more in depth process, but thanks to programs like QuickPwn and Spirit things are easier than ever.

    Disclaimer: This tutorial is only for iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch running firmware 3.1.2, 3.1.3, or 3.2 and users running any version of iTunes 9 except 9.2. This does NOT work with iOS 4 or the new iPhone 4.

    Looking for a jailbreak for the newly released 3.2.1 firmware for the iPad? Sadly you’ll have to wait a little while longer, but rest assured we’ll be posting information on any new jailbreaks that are released.

  • Firmware 2.1 Jailbreak

    It’s been awhile since I wrote about any sort of illegal goodness, so here’s a quick run down on the easiest way to jailbreak an iPhone or iPod touch running firmware 2.1.

    The process is certainly a lot easier than it used to be. Now all you have to do (if you run OS X that is) is download QuickPwn 1.1!

    Oddly enough I had a jailbroken iPhone with 2.0.2 and I upgraded it to 2.1 and then used QuickPwn to re-jailbreak it and everything still works.

    My next post will likely involve the morally black area of running cracked IPA files.