Excuse me while I..whip this (Wii) out..

[Insert screams here.]

I’ve never been much of a console gamer. The last console I owned was a Playstation, and I bought that a good three years after the PS2 came out. Before that I had owned an original NES, a Super NES, and an Nintendo 64 (all bought at least five years after they came out of course). Amazingly enough I’ve never considered myself a Nintendo fan until I just typed that out. My, the things we discover about ourselves.
Self-discovery aside, last weekend I decided to cash in my PSP and library of PSP games (farewell Crisis Core!) to get a Wii. Suffice to say I’ve been late to the video game party all my life, but after this latest purchase I feel like I’m up to date (only two years late! Yes!). I finally own a current system. The joy! The glee! The expensive games! Admittedly I bought it mostly for Smash Bros and Wii Sports, but the fact that Guitar Hero 3 and Mario Galaxy were bundled with the system I bought was not..unpleasurable.
The Wii isn’t a console for the hardcore gamer. Granted, it doesn’t need to be. After selling out for almost two years straight, the idea that the Wii is just a “fad” or a “trend” is less a theory and now more of a fanciful dream. Now that Nintendo has ironed out most of the kinks, the Wii is ensconced as the quintessential party system.

Did I mention I bought it so I could bring it to parties and play with my girlfriend? Whoops, I think I just fell into a large demographic.


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