Free SIP Calling with Google Voice (sans Gizmo5)

Let me start by saying this tutorial does not use Gizmo5, since they no longer are accepting signups (gee, thanks Google) I was looking for a way to make this work without using their service. When you’re done, this will allow you to make  calls via your computer, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch (2nd gen and newer) to any number using your Google Voice number, all for free.

For starters you’ll need a Google Voice number, if you don’t have one, post your email address in the comments and we’ll do our best to hook you up (I have 5 invites currently available).

This tutorial is rather long and some might find it overly complicated, so consider yourself warned. What I’ve outlined here is the free way of doing things, but if you purchase iPhone software like Acrobits Softphone [$7.99] you’ll get a much better user experience.

Step 1: Register for a account.

Step 2: On the left hand menu of, click Extensions. Then click SIP.

Select Extensions

  • Extension Number: 100
  • Under Display Name enter whatever you’d like
  • Enter a password
  • Confirm that Voicemail is disabled
  • Hit Submit

Your settings should look like this:

SIP Settings

Step 3: Edit your newly created extension by selecting it from the left hand menu.

  • dtmfmode: rfc2833
  • audio bypass: no

Extended SIP Settings

Hit Submit.

Step 4: Create a ring group by selecting Ring Groups from the left hand menu.

  • Group number: 1
  • Ring strategy : ringall
  • Extension list: 100
  • Ring time: 60

Ring Group Settings

Confirm these settings and then hit Submit Changes.

Step 5: Create an Inbound Route. Click Inbound Routing from the left hand menu.

  • Trunk: username-100
  • Under Set Destination mark Extension: Username <100>

Incoming Route Settings

Hit Submit.

Throughout editing the above settings you might have noticed a little red bar at the top of the page that says “You have made changes – when finished, click here to APPLY them.” Now’s the time to do just that.


That’s it for what you need to configure on, now you’ll need to hook your SIP extension into the POTS network so you can call any phone.

Step 6:
Go to

  • Account type: SIP
  • Area code: Any
  • SIP Phone number: username-100
  • SIP proxy:
  • Email address: Your email
  • Password: Your password

IP Kall Settings

Complete the CAPTCHA and hit Submit. Now check your email for your phone number.

Now this is where things get interesting, you’ll need to configure a softphone before adding your new number to Google Voice.

iPhone/iPad/iPod touch Users:
Download Media5-fone [free]. After installing, go to, scroll down and tap Media5-fone.

Note: The free version limits you to 1 minute calls so it really is only useful for testing your settings. This is the only free SIP app I was able to get to work with my account and it also allows you to verify your Google Voice number, which is something a lot of apps have problems with. Once you have your Google Voice number verified, consider purchasing Acrobits Softphone for $7.99, which is virtually identical to Media5-fone for setting up but it works quite a bit better.

  • Server Address:
  • Account Name: Your PBXes Username
  • Password: Your PBXes Password
  • Display Name: Your name

Media5-fone settings

OS X Users:
Download Blink from (I’m going to assume you can figure out how to save a DMG, mount it and install Blink to your applications folder).

After launching Blink, select Add an Existing SIP Account.

  • Display name: Your Name
  • SIP Address:
  • Password: Your Password

Blink Settings

Connecting Google Voice to your SIP number.
Login to your Google Voice account, click Settings and then Add another phone.

  • Name: SIP
  • Number: Your IPKall Number
  • Phone type: Work

Google Voice Settings

It will then ask you to verify your phone. To do so, open up Media5-fone then hit Connect on the verification screen.

Google Voice Verify Screen

Answer the call, tap Speaker, then tap Keypad and enter your verification number.

3 easy steps

There you have it, you can place calls from Google Voice and have it ring your softphone. Consider combining this with Backgrounder and GV Mobile for jailbroken iPhone’s/iPads/iPod Touches and you have a pretty killer combo.


93 responses to “Free SIP Calling with Google Voice (sans Gizmo5)”

  1. starrychloe Avatar

    Woot! Free calls! Android + Google Voice + GV Callback + IPKall + CallCentric + CSipSimple = FREE!
    Ok so it’s complicated, but it’s also free.

  2. razaka_dera Avatar

    hHi, great tutorial.
    Could you invite me please?
    razakadera1789 (‘at’) gmail (‘dot’) (‘com’)

  3. razaka_dera Avatar

    Hi, great tutorial.
    Could you invite me please?
    razakadera1789 (‘at’) gmail (‘dot’) (‘com’)

  4. jahlovealways Avatar

    Hi can you hook me up with a google voice invite thanks bro

  5. jahlovealways Avatar

    Hook me up with a gv invite my email is.

  6. arshan Avatar

    Here is my google email, plz send me an invitation. tnx

  7. Aman Avatar


    I would greatly appreciate a google voice invite at

    Thanks a ton for such a informative tutorial.


  8. OLU Avatar

    how can i do this from a pc? i do not use any apple products

  9. frankness14 Avatar

    Got it all set up and working great…for calls in only though. Not sure how to set up for calls out. Seems there is something missing…Media5 just hangs up…I’m sure I’m doing something stupid, but not sure what. Any help would be appreciated.

  10. bradybluhm Avatar

    I have followed all of your steps to the t twice. Not able to get it to connect to the ipkall number. Says it is not in service. ??

  11. daddymic Avatar

    I didn’t find this very complicating at all, in fact well done thank you, I have one slight problem however and that is the Google voice number, can you get me one it would be greatly appreciated
    Thank you\

  12. penguindookie Avatar

    Everything works ok until I go to verify… I enter the verification number and it acts like I didn’t. Is media5 app just not working?

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