Tag: iPhone

  • ACU Theme Released

    I’m pleased to announce the release of ACU Theme, the latest and great from reader Ed Jim.

    As always, you can grab a copy from the repo.

  • Top Five iPhone Games That Don’t Exist…Yet

    With the dozens of games already available for the iPhone and iPod Touch, you would think that all the obvious ideas would have been taken already. I mean, we have Tetris, Pool, Chess, Snake..pretty much every cell phone staple you could think of right? Wrong. Here’s five games that no one has ported that are just begging for their time to shine. (more…)

  • 3G iPhone coming June 9th

    Everyone on the net is claiming to have an insider who has tipped them off as to the launch date of the 3G iPhone, whether or not any of those claims are legit there is a very good chance the 3G iPhone will be released on June 9th.

    That leads me to the obvious question… Will you be buying one?


  • iSlsk Patch Updated

    I’ve received a few emails from people who can’t get the Firewire GUID patch for iSlsk to work. So I’ve rewritten the patch and posted an update to Installer.

    In order to fully test it, I restored my iPhone to stock 1.1.4 firmware, jailbroke it and installed both iSlsk and the Firewire GUID patch and it seems to be working. If anyone is still having problems, please contact me and we’ll get things sorted out.

    p.s. Remember to refresh your sources to get the update!